
来源 :山东大学法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinggo1
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民国初期,以孙中山为首的临时政府集体努力进行法治文化建设,从制度到理念。法治文化首先应是制度文化,法律制度及其法律机构成为承载当时法治文化的重要外部载体。法治文化更是法治精神和理念的内涵意蕴,法理念与法精神的综合力量构成了法治文化的强大推动力。从法律体系到法治文化是法治国家的必走之路。现代社会理应是法治社会,实现中国特色社会主义法治国家的目标,更离不开法治文化的建设。 In the early Republic of China, the interim government headed by Sun Yat-sen collectively tried its best to carry out the culture of the rule of law from the system to the concept. The rule of law culture should firstly be the institutional culture, and the legal system and its legal institutions become the important external carriers that carry the culture of rule of law at that time. The rule of law culture is also the connotation of the spirit and concept of the rule of law. The comprehensive strength of the concept of law and the spirit of law constitutes a powerful impetus to the rule of law culture. From the legal system to the culture of the rule of law is the must go road to the rule of law. Modern society should be the rule of law society, the goal of a socialist country with Chinese characteristics, the rule of law, but also inseparable from the construction of law and order culture.
人们往往只看到和尚喝粥之悠然,而不见受戒煎熬。 People often only see the monk drink porridge leisurely, but not to suffer torment.
Ⅰ.The Emergence of AmphibiousPopulation“Amphibian” is a terminology in biolo-gy.“Amphibious population” mentionedhere refers to those rural labourers whot
兴趣,是一种喜好的情绪。怎样培养低年级。儿童学习数学的兴趣,使他们产生喜欢、爱好数学的感情呢? 一、课堂上教师的精神状态和情绪,对儿童学习兴趣的培养起着示范的作用。