
来源 :中国水产科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyi1983
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鱼类分枝杆菌病是由分枝杆菌属的非结核分枝杆菌造成的长期性感染疾病。本研究发现,养殖中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)子二代可感染该病,典型病理特征是腹水、腹膜肉芽肿、肾脏水肿、肝脏呈灰白色等。采集腹水,通过细菌分离培养获得一株缓慢生长型的抗酸杆菌,进一步通过16S r DNA和IS2404重复序列进行分子生物学鉴定,发现该菌与Mycobacterium liflandii相似性最高。将10尾健康子二代中华鲟3次体检的血液参数与4尾分枝杆菌感染子二代中华鲟12次检查的血液参数进行比较,发现在26项生理生化指标中,有9项指标差异显著(P<0.05),即中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞、钠、氯、钙、总蛋白、球蛋白、外周血白细胞总数(TWBC)和谷丙转氨酶(ALT),其中TWBC、中性粒细胞和ALT这3项指标显著升高,其他指标显著下降,说明分枝杆菌感染对鱼体肝脏和肾脏的损伤较大。采用盐酸卡纳霉素、红霉素和利福平三种抗生素联合用药进行治疗,给药时间75 d,治疗后腹水明显减少,RBC、血红蛋白、PCV、MCV和球蛋白这5项血液理化指标均有显著性升高(P<0.05),说明药物治疗初期具有一定的效果,但随着病程的加剧,该尾鱼最终未能治愈。以上结果表明,分枝杆菌在中华鲟广泛流行,对中华鲟的危害较大,目前尚未见有效的疫苗和药物,因此对该病的预防、早期诊断和治疗极其重要。 Mycobacterial fish disease is a long-term infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The study found that the second generation of Acipenser sinensis can infect the disease, the typical pathological features are ascites, peritoneal granuloma, renal edema, the liver is gray and white. Ascites was collected and a slow-growing acid-fast bacilli was obtained through bacterial isolation and culture. The molecular biology of 16S r DNA and IS2404 repeats was further carried out to find out that this strain has the highest similarity to Mycobacterium liflandii. The blood parameters of three physical examinations of 10 healthy second-generation Chinese sturgeon rats were compared with those of 12 second-staged Chinese sturgeons of 4 Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection subtypes. It was found that among the 26 physiological and biochemical indexes, 9 indexes were different (P <0.05), that is, neutrophils, lymphocytes, sodium, chloride, calcium, total protein, globulin, total peripheral blood leukocytes (TWBC) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) And ALT these three indicators were significantly increased, other indicators decreased significantly, indicating that the mycobacterial infection of fish liver and kidney damage greater. The combination of three antibiotics, kanamycin hydrochloride, erythromycin and rifampicin, was administered for 75 days. After treatment, the ascites decreased obviously. The five blood physical and chemical indexes of RBC, hemoglobin, PCV, MCV and globulin (P <0.05), indicating that the initial drug treatment has a certain effect, but with the course of the illness, the fish eventually failed to cure. The above results show that mycobacterium is widely prevalent in Chinese sturgeons and is more harmful to Chinese sturgeon. Currently, no effective vaccines and drugs have been found yet. Therefore, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of mycobacteria are extremely important.