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一、当前党政领导干部推荐工作存在的问题及原因 在干部工作实践中,党政领导干部的推荐工作收效较好,但也还存在一些不尽如人意的地方,主要表现在: 1、随意推荐。少数单位党组织在推荐干部时,不能坚持民主集中制,不走群众路线,以主要领导个人说了算;有的搞临时动议,向组织人事部门提出领导干部人选具有很大盲目性和随意性。有一些领导干部,向下一级党组织或主要领导打招呼、写条子,指名推荐干部,又不了解、不介绍推荐对象的情况,使组织部门工作非常被动。调查中,许多同志认为,目前干部的推荐、选拔是“一把手”个人说了算。 2、唯亲推荐。有些单位党组织和主要领导干部。在推荐干部时,私心严重,不讲干部的素质、能力和条件,只要本单位或其它单位出现职位空缺,便不遗余力地将自己的亲戚、有关系的人或身边的工作人员推荐上去。调查中,有一些领 I. Current Problems and Reasons for the Recommended Work of Leading Cadres at the Party and Government Today, the work of recommending leading cadres of the party and government to a better performance, but there are still some unsatisfactory places, mainly manifested in: 1, random recommend. When recommending cadres, a few party organizations of a number of units can not insist on the principle of democratic centralism, do not follow the mass line, and have the main leaders make the final say. Some engage in provisional motions and propose to the personnel department of the organization that the candidates for leading cadres have great blindness and arbitrariness . Some leading cadres greet and write notes and nominate cadres to the next-level party organizations or major leaders. They do not understand or recommend the target audiences, and the work of the organizational departments is very passive. During the investigation, many comrades believed that at present cadres’ recommendation and selection are the “number one” individuals have the final say. 2, only recommended. Some units of party organizations and leading cadres. When recommending cadres, they have serious selfishness and do not speak of the qualities, abilities and conditions of their cadres. As long as there are vacancies in their own units or other units, they spare no efforts in recommending their relatives, relatives or staff members around them. In the survey, there are some leaders
自开播以来,《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》这部本不被看好的仙侠剧频上热搜,杨紫在剧中扮演的锦觅:精致的巴掌脸,粉嘟嘟的嘴唇,纤细柔软的身材……这还是那个土肥圆的傻妞吗?从骨子里透着一股土气的“小雪”逆袭成仙侠剧古装女神,杨紫的变美秘籍是什么?减肥是一场精疲力竭的拉锯战  2004年,年仅11岁的杨紫在《家有儿女》中饰演高中优等生夏雪,成为家喻户晓的童星。少女时期的杨紫,满脸的婴儿肥,一双眼睛水汪汪的十分动人,
本文利用中国科学院南海海洋研究(SCSIO,CAS)提供的历史温盐剖面观测资料(2437个)和World Ocean Database2013(WOD13)中的High ResolutionCTD、Ocean Station Data(OSD)、Profil
NF-Y (NUCLEAR FACTOR-Y)是异源三聚体转录因子,由NF-YA, NF-YB和NF-YC三种亚基组成。在真菌(例如酵母)和动物中,NF-YA、NF-YB和NF-YC在基因组中是以单拷贝形式存在的;而在植物中,NF-YA、NF-YB和NF-YC分别是以基因家族的形式存在的。NF-Y作为一类关键的调节因子在植物许多生理过程(比如抗干旱、花期、种子发育等)中扮演着重要的角色。甘蓝型油菜