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数据解释技术的发展已使得高灵敏度航空γ能谱数据有效地用于所选择环境中进行石油普查。本文所用数据是美国能源部在执行国家铀资源评价(NURE)计划期间,1974—1981年在美国全国相连国土和大部分阿拉斯加地区采集的。这里论述的试验仅限于下面1×2°NTMS(国家地形图册)图幅区:Palestine图幅区的西半部,San Angelo图幅区的东半部和Big Spring图幅区的东南角,这些地区都位于得克萨斯。采用基于对钍的测量和钍与钾、钍系与铀系之间的地球化学关系上的新技术对放射性铀和钾数据进行地表岩性(包括土壤差别)及计数几何形状和水文条件变化的归一化。这些变化的非控制性影响使得以前很多应用放射性方法进行石油勘探的努力基本上都失败了。基于钍归一化方法在大多数油田上得到了非常低的钾修正值。经修正的铀分析值示出了得克萨斯东部油田上的低异常和得克萨斯西部的高异常。虽然人们还不清楚铀数据表现不同的原因,但目前认为它们是受不同气候对分布于非常接近地表士壤层中的铀系元素的暂时影响。应用高灵敏度γ能谱法有区域性的优点和局限性,即取决于地表土壤的性质、成因、湿度和可能的群蔽盖层。如果认真考虑了这些因素,NURE放射性数据就可以成为一种有助于在得克萨斯盆地东部和西部以及类似的环境中寻找新的陆地石油和天然气远景区或可能成为油田延伸部位的便宜普查方法。 The development of data interpretation techniques has enabled high-sensitivity aeronautical gamma spectroscopy data to be effectively used in oil censuses in selected environments. The data used in this paper were collected by the U.S. Department of Energy during the National NURS program from 1974 to 1981 in the United States nationwide and in most parts of Alaska. The tests discussed here are limited to the following 1 × 2 ° NTMS (National Topographic Atlas) plateau: the western half of the Palestine plateau, the eastern half of the San Angelo plateau and the southeast corner of the Big Spring plateau, These areas are located in Texas. Using radionuclide uranium and potassium data for surface lithology (including soil differences) and for counting changes in geometry and hydrological conditions based on measurements of thorium and new geochemical relationships between thorium and potassium, thorium and uranium systems Normalized. The uncontrolled effects of these changes have largely failed many of the previous efforts to use oil-based methods for oil exploration. Based on the thorium normalization method, very low potassium correction values ​​are obtained in most fields. The revised uranium analysis shows low anomalies on the eastern Texas field and high anomalies in western Texas. Although it is unclear why uranium data are performing differently, it is currently assumed that they are temporarily affected by different climates for uranium elements distributed in very close to the surface benthic layers. The benefits and limitations of using high-sensitivity γ-energy spectroscopy depend on the nature of the surface soil, its genesis, its moisture content, and its potential for the formation of the cover. If these factors are taken seriously, NURE radioactive data can be an inexpensive census method that can help find new terrestrial oil and gas vistas in the eastern and western Texas and similar environments, or could become an extension of the field.