An Analysis of the Land Ethic in?A Sand County Almanac

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  【Abstract】Aldo Leopold is a famous American environmentalist and pioneer of environmental protection, his book A Sand County Almanac is considered the Bible of environmentalism. Leopold comprehensively explained the Land Ethic in A Sand County Almanac, which was regarded by the academic circles as the first standard in the history of the West to put forward the relationship between man and nature from the perspective of morality. This paper analyzes the Land Ethic in A Sand County Almanac from the perspective of ecology, hoping to provide reference for contemporary people to correctly deal with the ecological relationship between human and nature.
  【Key words】A Sand County Almanac; Land Ethic; Ecology

1. Historical Background

  Leopold put forward the land ethics in A Sand County Almanac in 1949, but it has not been paid enough attention for a long time. After 1965, with the increasingly serious environmental and social problems, the core of American culture has changed. People begin to realize the ecological value of A Sand County Almanac and land ethics. The book was later called the Prophet’s Prophecy and the Bible in the field of environment, which reflech the important value and significance of A Sand County Almanac.

2. Land Ethic

  Leopold cited many social facts in
  A Sand County Almanac to criticize the destruction of natural ecology by human beings in the current society. He pointed out: “One year not long ago a French trapper in buckskins pushed his canoe up one of the moss-clogged creeks that threat the great marsh. At this attempt to invade their miry stronghold the cranes gave vent to loud and ribald laughter. A century or two later Englishmen came in covered wagons. They chopped clearings in the timbered moraines that border the marsh, and in them planted corn and buckwheat. (Leopold, 2018: 212)” These are the manifestations of anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is a negative environmental ethics, which embodies the environmental concept that human beings take themselves as the center and put their interests above everything else (Flader,1993: 17). For their own interests and preferences, people have made endless demands on and destruction of nature for a long time, affecting the ecological balance and harming the interests of human beings but do not know it.
  While exploring the causes of ecological destruction, Leopold advocated the transformation from Anthropocentrism to ecocentrism. Ecocentrism holds that nature is the center of everything, and that human beings should live in harmony with nature. Leopold calls for a new understanding of ecology. We should have an ethical sense of responsibility for the natural environment in which we live in. Thus, Leopold put forward the theory of “land ethic” .   According to Leopold, a land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land community to plain member and citizen of it. It implies respect for his fellow-members, and also respect for the community as such(Leopold, 2018: 221). People are regarded as a member of the land community, that is, a part of nature. Leopold regarded other members of nature, animals, plants as his friends and neighbors. He and his family enjoyed the air dance of the male crane punctually, fell in love with pine trees, and set up a tomb for pigeons. Through the definition of community, Leopold put human beings in the same community with nature, which broke the confinement of “anthropocentrism” and reinterpreted the concept of land ethic(Flader,1993: 18). This requires every member of the community, including human beings, to maintain the harmony, stability and beauty of the community.

3. Conclusion

  Leopold advocates ecocentrism and puts forward land ethics, which has a standard that “when a thing helps to protect the harmony, stability and beauty of the biological community, it is right, and when it goes against it, it is wrong.”It was also from Leopold that American naturalistic writing started to get rid of the shackles of anthropocentrism and embarked on the road of real ecological philosophy.


  [1]Leopold.A Sand County Almanac. Western Literary Theories: A Bilingual Course to Develop Critical Thinking[M]. Lu Min ed. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press,2018,9:209-226.
  [2]Flader, Susan.A Biographical Study of Aldo Leopold: Thinking Like A Mountain[J]. Forest History Newsletter.Oxford University Press.Volume17,No.1:14-18.
【摘要】随着课程改革的推进,培养学生的核心素养势在必行。在小学英语教学中,教师应致力于落实英语学科核心素养。如何在英语教学中培养学生的核心素养?本文结合小学英语故事教学实践,探求培养学生语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格的策略。  【关键词】核心素养;小学英语;故事教学  【作者简介】李娇娇,福建省泉州市惠安县山霞中心小学。  现阶段,我国大力提倡发展学生的核心素养。学生核心素养的培养主要通过
校园是影响学生生活和学习的直接性环境,干净整洁的校园将会给学生提供怡人舒心的学习环境,让学生的心态更加积极,并且校园文化中所传递的精神也将会逐步被学生接纳认可。可见,校园文化环境对学生的影响是直接的、深远的。为强化学生的英语综合素养,除发挥课堂教学的功效外,教师还可以通过校园文化环境构建的方式开展教学,让学生在此环境中既能够拓展认识,也能获得能力的发展。一、挖掘直观资源,呈现直观性校园文化  为了
【摘要】在英语教学过程中,提高学生的书面表达能力是教师教学的一个重要任务。因此,在小学英语教学过程中,教师要根据学生的知识基础,引入创新的教学方法,提高学生的书面表达水平。本文以自身教学经验为例,对提高小学生英语书面表达能力的方法进行了一番阐述和说明。  【关键词】英语;书面表达;书写要求;基础知识;读写结合  【作者简介】陈实,如皋市城南小学。  书面表达在小学英语教学当中占据着重要组成部分。它
【摘要】复课阶段亦即“后网课时代”,学生课堂注意力下滑现象较为明显。以往学者们总结的方法难以在具体实践中产生即时的效果。Question Formulation Technique (QFT),即“问题生成机制”作为一个新兴教学方法与高中英语学科核心素养的培养十分契合。QFT可以在40分钟课堂内提升学生的注意力,并使学生注意力在整个单元教学周期内维持在一个较高水平。  【关键词】后网课时代;学生注
【摘要】高中英语书面表达主要考查的是学生熟练应用语言的能力,需要学生在掌握一定的语言知识基础上达到灵活运用的目的,形成自己的英语思维。学生在写作过程中需要注意语句的意思以及逻辑上的连贯,通过合理布局,优化结构的方式来展现学生的语言应用能力。本文主要探究了教师如何指导学生进行“三段式”写作,促进学生自由表达。  【关键词】高中英语;书面表达;三段式  【作者简介】林敏绒,福建省漳州第一中学。  高中
【摘要】笔者基于对一堂英语读写导学公开课的反思,反哺常态课堂实践。诊断内容包括对以读促写、以导促学、读写循环、测评转换等方面的反思教学,以期让学生受益, 养成语言习得素养。  【关键词】英语读写;导学;行动;反思;教育科研  【作者简介】潘勇军,浙江省开化中学。  今天这一节公开课,是笔者高三第二轮复习教学的一个读写导学设计:reading and writing导学课,关联632课例序列中的角度
【Abstract】Driven by the promotional purpose, commercial advertisements aim at bringing the targeted consumers the high expectation of their products by using inspiring slogan and brand name. The impli
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