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随着信息技术的迅速发展,人类社会正步入信息化时代,文博行业也受到时代大潮的冲击,电脑数据化也逐步进入了馆藏文物信息管理系统的应用。以往的藏品管理方式存在着制作繁琐、查验不便、效率低下,不宜保管等缺点。传统管理方式的这些不足,已远远不能适应现代博物馆发展的需求,因此,文物信息数据库建设成为必然。信息技术在博物馆文物藏品管理上的使用,可以变静态保护为动态保护,使手写档案变电子档案,变被动管理为主动管理。可以使过去存在不足的藏品管理模式得到逐步改善,使文物得到有效的 With the rapid development of information technology, human society is entering an era of informationization, and the cultural industry has also been hit by the tide of the times. Computer dataization has also gradually entered the application of the information collection system of cultural relics in the collection. In the past, the collection management methods had the defects of cumbersome production, inconvenience of inspection, inefficiency and improper storage. These deficiencies of traditional management methods are far from being able to meet the needs of the development of modern museums. Therefore, the construction of cultural relics information databases has become inevitable. The use of information technology in museum cultural relics collection management can change the static protection to the dynamic protection so that the handwritten files can become electronic files and change the passive management into the active management. Can make the management model of the collection that existed in the past to be gradually improved, and make the cultural relics effectively
美国Shell润滑油公司上个月公布了一项新的科研成果:一种在重型卡车柴油机上积累了15年以上经验、应用了多级技术的机油产品——Caprinus UE20W-40多级机油,目前正准备应用
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班尼路,这个曾经红极一时的服饰品牌如今早已过了鼎盛时期。作为班尼路的母公司,德永佳集团有限公司日前宣布以2.5亿元的价格出售旗下附属子公司上海班尼路服饰有限公司。班尼路真的走到尽头了吗?  班尼路曾是青春时尚的代名词  对很多“80后”“90后”消费者而言,班尼路曾是青春时尚的代名词。然而,近年来在一二线城市主流商圈,几乎已看不到班尼路的身影。  据了解,如今的班尼路起源地香港仅存43家门店,上海
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