在我国企业特别是私营或民营企业中经常存在着这样一种现象:在发展初期,企业的管理较成功,而在发展到一定规模之后,往往就不那么有效了,甚至导致企业衰亡。这是为什么呢? 在大多数私营或民营企业的管理中基本上是实施传统的“组织人”管理模式。也就是说,在这样企业中的管理者仅仅是一个发号施令或是一个命令执行者。其管理是一种单项的命令输出,主次分明,建立在管理人员权威性的基础之上。这种管理模式主张:只有将
In China’s enterprises, especially in private or private enterprises, there is often such a phenomenon: In the early stage of development, the management of enterprises is more successful, and after they have reached a certain scale, they are often not so effective, and even lead to the decline of enterprises. Why is this? In the management of most private or private companies, it is basically the implementation of the traditional “organization” management model. In other words, the manager in such a company is only a commander or a commander. Its management is a kind of single-item command output, clearly defined, based on the authority of management personnel. This management model advocates: only