Large-amplitude dust acoustic solitons in an opposite polarity dusty plasma with generalized polariz

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libowen1
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Linear and nonlinear dust acoustic (DA) waves have been investigated in an opposite polarity dusty plasma comprising negatively and positively charged dust grains,Maxwellian electrons and ions,including the generalized polarization force effect.The properties of linear DA waves have been significantly altered by the dual dust polarity and polarization force.Large amplitude DA solitons have been discussed in the framework of the Sagdeev potential technique.Our results show that both rarefactive and compressive solitons can exist in such a dusty plasma.The basic features of the Sagdeev potential have been examined under the effect of the polarization force parameter R,the ratio of the charge number of the positive dust to that of the negative dust Z,and the Mach number M.The results show that these parameters play a significant role in determining the region of existence of large amplitude DA solitons.
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