
来源 :陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchengDelphi
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“风景”和“地平线”这两个概念包含了人们对周边环境的观察和对远方世界的认知。描绘风景的诗词和山水画在古代中国不胜枚举,“风景”的概念至少在唐代就已根深蒂固地镶嵌在了中国文化之中。然而在欧洲,直到文艺复兴时代才渐渐有人将其反映在文学艺术作品中,在此之前,基督教文化笼罩下的欧洲人观察世界的视角是垂直且单一的。15世纪以后,欧洲人开始对“风景”与“地平线”频繁地关注起来,从而扩大了审视世界的视野,改变了他们的思维方式,并逐渐形成了一套新的世界观,促进了人们对世界进行全新的认知与探索。 The two concepts “Landscape” and “Horizon” include the observation of the surrounding environment and the perception of the distant world. The landscape of poetry and landscape painting is abound in ancient China. The concept of “scenery” has been deeply rooted in Chinese culture at least in the Tang Dynasty. In Europe, however, it was not until the Renaissance when it was gradually reflected in the literary and artistic works that the perspective of the Europeans under the influence of Christian culture was vertical and monolithic. After the 15th century, Europeans began to pay close attention to “Landscapes” and “Horizons,” thereby widening the horizon of looking at the world and changing their way of thinking, and gradually formed a new set of world outlooks to promote People have a new understanding of the world and exploration.
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目的 分析口腔修复治疗老年口腔疾病患者的疗效。方法 选取2013年7月~2014年7月我院收治的老年口腔疾病患者60例为研究对象,给予口腔修复治疗,观察其疗效。结果 老年口腔疾病