Performance Evaluation System of Pig Supply Chain Based on Time-Space Perspective and Balanced Score

来源 :Animal Husbandry and Feed Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jzhiei
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The overall structure of live pig supply chain was constructed based on theoretical study and practical investigation,and the performance evaluation system for supply chain was studied from two perspectives of time and space and balanced score card( BSC). From the space perspective and BSC,the performance evaluation system composed of four primary indicators( financial dimension,customer dimension,internal business dimension and innovation / learning perspective)and 26 secondary indicators. From the time perspective and BSC,the system could be divided into four stages,including formation stage,development stage,maturity stage and recession stage,with a total of 30 indicators. The overall structure of live pig supply chain was constructed based on theoretical study and practical investigation, and the performance evaluation system for supply chain was studied from two perspectives of time and space and balanced score card (BSC). From the space perspective and BSC, the performance evaluation system composed of four primary indicators (financial dimension, customer dimension, internal business dimension and innovation / learning perspective) and 26 secondary indicators. From the time perspective and BSC, the system could be divided into four stages, including formation stage, development stage, maturity stage and recession stage, with a total of 30 indicators.
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