Electrical Characteristics and Desorption Kinetics of Soil Boron

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The status and activities of boron in soils were studied by the approach of electro-ultrafiltration (EUF). The samples of soils, including brown-red soil and calcareous alluvial soil, were collected from Hubei Province of China. The soil samples were incubated in saturated water and then their nutrients were ultrafiltrated with EUF equipment. Filtration and extraction were conducted in accordance with routine process, but fractions in anode and cathode were all collected. Analyses of B, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl- and pH in fractions supposed that boron existed not only in a simple form of borate but also in ion-pair with canons partly in acidic soil, and borate was the primary form existing in the calcareous soil. In studying desorption kinetics with EUF, the boron content of Fractions 2-6 was accumulated, and the accumulative quantities were fit to time factors in three kinetic equations: the zero-order, first-order, and parabolic diffusion equations. Fit degree of the parabolic diffusion equation was the best, followed by the zero-order equation, and the first-order equation was the worst. The status and activities of boron in soils were studied by the approach of electro-ultrafiltration (EUF). The samples of soils, including brown-red soil and calcareous alluvial soils, were collected from Hubei Province of China. The soil samples were incubated in saturated water and then their nutrients were ultrafiltrated with EUF equipment. Filtration and extraction were conducted in accordance with routine process, but fractions in anode and cathode were all collected. Analyzes of B, K +, Mg2 +, Ca2 +, Cl- and pH in Example that boron existed not only in a simple form of borate but also in ion-pair with canons partly in acidic soil, and borate was the primary form existing in the calcareous soil. In studying desorption kinetics with EUF, the boron content of Fractions 2- 6 was accumulated, and the accumulative quantities were fitted to time factors in three kinetic equations: the zero-order, first-order, and parabolic diffusion equations. Fit degree of the parabolic diffusion eq uation was the best, followed by the zero-order equation, and the first-order equation was the worst.
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