
来源 :黑龙江教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cexo0924
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随着改革开放的不断深化,我国的高等教育事业也开始进行相应的改革,并得到了长足的发展。相关数据显示,目前我国的高等职业院校已经占据全国高校总数的70%左右,高职院校的学生,也占到全国高校在校学生总人数的50%以上,由此可以看出,高等职业教育已经占据我国高等教育的半壁江山。在高等职业教育发展的过程中,高职院校的辅导员工作也面临着新的挑战。在新时期的背景下,高职院校辅导员要如何做好辅导员工作的创新,为社会培养出更多优秀的人才,是新时期高等职业教育发展的主要目标。在实际的高等职业教育过程中,高职院校既要培养具有专业素质的学生,又要培养学生的思想道德素质,促进学生的全面发展。基于此,主要针对高职院校辅导员工作的创新思路和途径进行探索,以期提高高职院校辅导员工作的质量和效率。 With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, the higher education in our country has also begun to carry out corresponding reforms and has made considerable strides. Relevant data show that at present, China’s higher vocational colleges occupy about 70% of the total number of colleges and universities in the country. Students in higher vocational colleges also account for more than 50% of the total number of students enrolled in colleges and universities across the country. Therefore, Vocational education has occupied half of our country’s higher education. In the process of the development of higher vocational education, the work of counselors in higher vocational colleges also faces new challenges. Under the background of the new era, how to improve the work of counselors in higher vocational colleges and cultivate more excellent talents for the society is the main goal of the development of higher vocational education in the new era. In the actual process of higher vocational education, vocational colleges not only train students with professional qualities, but also cultivate students’ ideological and moral qualities to promote the all-round development of students. Based on this, the author mainly probes into the innovative ideas and approaches of counselors in higher vocational colleges in order to improve the quality and efficiency of counselors in higher vocational colleges.
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