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改革开放以来,临夏回族自治州经济建设和社会发展都有了长足进步,但是,也应该清醒地看到我们的生产力水平仍然很低下,科技教育事业落后,严酷的自然条件仍未得到大的改善,农村贫困面大,近一半农户尚未解决温饱,与先进地区的差距不是在缩小,而是在拉大。拉大的原因是多方面的,但最主要的还是思想守旧,观念落后,所以民族贫困地区更需要解放思想转变观念。我们州已被确定为全国第一批“民族自治地方改革开放试验区”之一,中央和省委要求重点进行政策超前性和突破性的试验。因此, Since the reform and opening up, the economic construction and social development of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture have made great strides. However, we should clearly see that our productivity is still low, that the cause of science and technology education lags behind, and that the harsh natural conditions have not been greatly improved. The rural poverty area is large, nearly half of the peasant households have not solved the problem of food and clothing, and the gap with the advanced areas is not narrowing but widening. The reasons for the widening are many. However, the most important thing is that they are conservative in thinking and outdated in concept. Therefore, poverty-stricken areas need to emancipate their minds more. Our state has been identified as one of the first batch of “pilot areas for reform and opening up in ethnic autonomous areas”, and the central government and the provincial government have demanded that we focus our tests on the advanced and breakthrough policies. therefore,
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