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晋西北抗日民主政权是“晋西事变”后 ,在打退国民党顽固势力进攻的基础上正式建立的。晋西北抗日民主政权于 1 941年通过民主“村选”方式对基层政权进行重构 ,力求通过基层权力结构的转变 ,使得新的乡村政权成为抗日民主政府与基层社会上下沟通的“桥梁” ,进而获取民众的支持 ,达到对社会资源控制的目的。从对乡村权力主角的重塑和基层组织的再造这两个视角来审视 ,可以清楚地了解这一时期晋西北乡村社会基层权力结构的变动及其影响 The anti-Japanese democratic government in northwest Shanxi was formally established on the basis of repulsing the offensive of the obstinate forces of the Kuomintang after the “incident of western Shanxi Province”. In 1941, the anti-Japanese democratic regime in northwestern Shanxi reconstructed grassroots power through democratic “village election” and sought to make the new rural power a “bridge” for communication between the anti-Japanese democratic government and grass-roots society through the transformation of grassroots power structure. So as to gain public support and achieve the purpose of controlling social resources. From the perspectives of reshaping the rural power protagonist and rebuilding the grassroots organizations, we can clearly understand the changes of the grassroots power structure in rural areas in northwestern Shanxi and their influence during this period
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