Nuclear domain 10 of the viral aspect

来源 :World Journal of Virology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gichurn
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Nuclear domain 10(ND10) are spherical bodies distributed throughout the nucleoplasm and measuring around 0.2-1.0 μm. First observed under an electron microscope, they were originally described as dense bodies found in the nucleus. They are known by a number of other names, including Promyelocytic Leukemia bodies(PML bodies), Kremer bodies, and PML oncogenic domains. ND10 are frequently associated with Cajal bodies and cleavage bodies. It has been suggested that they play a role in regulating gene transcription. ND10 were originally characterized using human autoantisera, which recognizes Speckled Protein of 100 kD a, from patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. At the immunohistochemical level, ND10 appear as nuclear punctate structures, with 10 indicating the approximate number of dots per nucleus observed. ND10 do not colocalize with kinetochores, centromeres, sites of mR NA processing, or chromosomes. Resistance of ND10 antigens to nuclease digestion and salt extraction suggest that ND10 are associated with the nuclear matrix.They are often identified by immunofluorescent assay using specific antibodies against PML, Death domainassociated protein, nuclear dot protein(NDP55), and so on. The role of ND10 has long been the subject of investigation, with the specific connection of ND10 and viral infection having been a particular focus for almost 20 years. This review summarizes the relationship of ND10 and viral infection. Some future study directions are also discussed. Nuclear population 10 (ND10) are spherical bodies distributed throughout the nucleoplasm and measuring around 0.2-1.0 μm. First observed under an electron microscope, they were originally described as dense bodies found in the nucleus. They are known by a number of other names, including has been suggested that they play a role in regulating gene transcription. ND10 were originally characterized using human autoanthisra, which recognizes Speckled Protein of 100 kDa, from patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. At the immunohistochemical level, ND10 appear as nuclear punctate structures, with 10 indicating the approximate number of dots per nucleus observed. ND10 do not colocalize with kinetochores, centromeres, sites of mR NA processing, or chromosomes. Resistance of ND10 antigens to nuclease digestion and salt extraction suggest th at ND10 are associated with the nuclear matrix. They are often identified by immunofluorescent assay using specific antibodies against PML, Death domainassociated protein, nuclear dot protein (NDP55), and so on. The role of ND10 has long been the subject of investigation, with the specific connection of ND10 and viral infection has been a particular focus for almost 20 years. This review summarizes the relationship of ND10 and viral infection. Some future study directions are also discussed.
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一轮红日将落,余晖映着朱门,闪着耀眼的光芒,这是我心中的人间仙境。  ——题记  小学的下课铃声总是很早,门房的爷爷打过铃就又回小桌子前坐下品茶了,老师们也陆陆续续走出了教室,留下一帮欢呼雀跃的同学。放学后,我总是不喜欢早回家,不想一个人在家里等爸爸妈妈回家做饭,而我又是个闲不住的人,便在中午去上学时就告诉妈妈说:“我下午吃饭时回来!”  在回家的路上,经过一座寺庙,寺庙十分高大,棕色的大门早已破
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