
来源 :石油和化工节能 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skynan2001
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今年夏季山东电力供应形势严峻,预计今年夏季高峰电力缺口将超过760万千瓦。记者从山东省发改委了解到,导致电力供应紧张的直接原因是电煤供应紧张。从4月中旬起,山东省电煤供应就开始趋紧。目前全省电厂煤炭库存仅可用11天左右,重点调度的31个电厂中,有7个电厂电煤库存在7天以下。 This summer, Shandong’s electricity supply situation is grim and it is estimated that the peak power gap this summer will exceed 7.6 million kilowatts. Reporters learned from the Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, leading to the power supply is the direct cause of tight coal supply. Since mid-April, coal supply in Shandong Province has started to tighten. At present, coal stocks of power plants in the province are only available for about 11 days. Among the 31 power plants that are scheduled to be dispatched, 7 power plants have 7 days or less of coal reserves.
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第一,把树砍了做成纸,写着“爱护森林”;第二,拿着父母的血汗钱,在KTV里高唱“我爱爸妈”;第三,整天和各种女人暧昧,还说“世上没有好女人”。 First, cut the tree made of
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