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伴随着科技进步的现代化进程,北京燕山石油化工公司走过了25年的历程。 25年,四分之一个世纪。 多少光荣与梦想、多少追求与希冀。 燕化人在燕山这块昔日贫脊荒凉的土地上建起了一座方圆40公里的现代化的石油化工城,创造了用现代科学技术武装起来的大工业文明的奇迹。 让我们翻开它的历史: 燕山石化作为社会主义计划经济的产物,自1967年动工兴建以来,经历了70年代的草创时期、80年代的改革、90年代的大规模技术改造。在从计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中,燕山石化成功地走出了一条科技效益型、系统优化、内涵发展的道路,实现了4个方面的转变: 1.在发展战略上,实现了由外延发展为主向内涵发展为主的重大转移。 2.在经营管理上,实现了由生产管理型向生产经营型过渡的重大转移。 3.在内部改革上,实现了由单项改革向配套改革、由浅层次改革向较深层次改革的重大转移。 4.在技术进步上,实现了以引进、消化、吸收国外先进技术为主向改造、创新以至出口技术的重大转移。 今年5月,在全国科技大会上,江泽民总书记提出了“自主创新”的战略思想。燕山石化走过的道路,在这一点上给我们带来了重要的启示。 With the progress of modernization in science and technology, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company has gone through a 25-year history. 25 years, a quarter century. How much glory and dream, how much to pursue and hope. Yanhua built a modern petrochemical city with a radius of 40 km on the Yanshan deserted land, creating miracles of large industrial civilization armed with modern science and technology. Let us turn its history: Yanshan Petrochemical as a product of the socialist planned economy, since the construction started in 1967, has experienced the pioneering period of the 1970s, reforms in the 1980s, and large-scale technological transformation in the 1990s. During the transition from the planned economy to the market economy, Yanshan Petrochemical successfully embarked on a road of technological efficiency, system optimization, and connotation development, and achieved a transformation in four aspects: 1. In terms of development strategy, the development has been achieved by extension. The major transfer from the main to the connotation development. 2. In terms of operation and management, a major transition from production management to production management has been realized. 3. In terms of internal reforms, major shifts have been realized from single reforms to complementary reforms, from shallow reforms to deeper reforms. 4. In terms of technological progress, it has achieved a major shift from the introduction, digestion, and absorption of advanced foreign technology to transformation, innovation, and even export technology. In May this year, at the National Science and Technology Conference, General Secretary Jiang Zemin put forward the strategic idea of ​​“independent innovation.” The path taken by Yanshan Petrochemical has brought us important inspiration on this point.
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他12年没有安放办公桌 “一座茅台旧有村,糟丘无数结为邻,使君休怨曲生醉,于今好酒在茅台,滇黔川湘客到来,贩去千里市上卖,谁不称奇亦罕哉!” 清道光年间,兴义词人张国华这
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