陶行知作为人民的教育家,在其长期的办学生涯中写下了一些对联,这些对联虽然不多,却深刻地反映出他的办学思想和主张,对我们学习和借鉴他的教育思想具有重要意义. 捧着一颗心来不带半根草去陶行知所以被毛泽东同志誉为“伟大的人民教育家”,正是因为他具有伟大的献身精神.例如,“五·四”运动后,他和安徽的教育界人士,在南京创办了“安徽公学”以收容“五·四”失散的学生.当时他曾题联:“义则居先,利则居后;敬其所长,恕其所短”,不仅申明了办学宗旨,更表达了自己的无私精神和用人之道.
Tao Xingzhi, as an educator of the people, wrote a couple of couplets in his long-term career of running a school. Although not many, these couplets profoundly reflected his thought and proposition of running a school and had an important bearing on our study and reference of his educational thoughts It is because of his great dedication, for example, the “May Fourth Movement”, which was praised by Mao Zedong as “the great people educator” Later, he and Anhui’s education circles founded the “Anhui Public School” in Nanjing to accommodate the “5.4” student who was lost. Long, forgive me ", not only affirmed the purpose of running a school, but also expressed his selfless spirit and employing the road.