
来源 :体育世界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:X22521
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如今“互联网+”教育成为教育界的热门话题,高职院校社会体育专业课程建设应适应时代发展要求进行调整与开发。本文通过分析“互联网+”高职院校社会体育专业课程建设的现状,发现存在的问题,并提出发展对策,以期为同行的专业课程建设、专业教学、实训开发、师资建设等提供借鉴和参考。 Today “Internet + ” education has become a hot topic in the education field. The curriculum construction of social sports specialty in higher vocational colleges should be adjusted and developed in accordance with the requirements of the development of the times. By analyzing the status quo of the curriculum construction of social sports major in vocational colleges in “Internet + ”, this article finds out the existing problems and puts forward the development countermeasures so as to provide the professional courses construction, professional teaching, training and development, teachers’ Reference and reference.