The Chinese Language- a New Craze

来源 :China Today | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoxing1984
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MARIE is a tour guid from France's Cote d'Azure. She didn' waste a minute of her 20-day tour ofChina. In addition to the usual sight- seeing and eating out in restaurants, she and her companions also attended an intensive Chinese training course. Marie wa MARIE is a tour guid from France's Cote d'Azure. She didn 'waste a minute of her 20-day tour of China. In addition to the usual sight- seeing and eating out in restaurants, she and her companions also attended an intensive Chinese training course. Marie wa
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恒源祥创立于1927年,1987年我加入的时候,它还只是一家卖毛线的国有商店。1990年,“恒源祥”商标注册成功,此后的5年时间,我们把手编毛线做到了世界第一的规模。 1996年,恒