Influence of O/Ar ratio on the properties of NiO thin film grown with the method of radio-frequency

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyingfish521
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In order to obtain high quality NiO thin film grown with the radio-frequency magnetron sputtering method, the influence of O/Ar ratio on the structure, band-gap, resistivity and optical transmittance of NiO thin films were studied. It was found that the obtained NiO thin film showed (111) preferred orientation and higher transparency in the visible region. With the increasing of O/Ar ratio from 1∶7 to 8∶2, the optical transmittance of NiO thin films decreased and the optical band-gap was between 3.4 eV and 3.7 eV, and the sheet resistivity decreased from 5.4×107 Ω/□ to 1.0 ×105 Ω/□. Our study shows that the properties of NiO thin films can be adjusted in a wide range by adjusting the O/Ar ratio in the sputtering process. The order of obtain high quality NiO thin film grown with the radio-frequency magnetron sputtering method, the influence of O / Ar ratio on the structure, band-gap, resistivity and optical transmittance of NiO thin films were studied. It was found that the With the increasing of O / Ar ratio from 1: 7 to 8: 2, the optical transmittance of NiO thin films decreased and the optical band-gap was between 3.4 eV and 3.7 eV, and the sheet resistivity decreased from 5.4 × 107 Ω / □ to 1.0 × 105 Ω / □. Our study shows that the properties of NiO thin films can be adjusted in a wide range by adjusting the O / Ar ratio in the sputtering process.
目的 回顾分析细菌性角膜炎致病菌菌属的分布及变化。方法 对 1989~ 1998年间送检的 2 2 2 0份细菌性角膜炎患者角膜细菌培养标本进行革兰染色及分类 ;对不同菌属的分布及变
卡哇伊总动员    “还记得年少时的梦吗,像朵永远不凋零的花。陪我经过那风吹雨打,看世事无常,看沧桑变化……”人越长大,便越爱怀旧。在钢筋水泥构成的都市中奔走穿梭,我们总会向往儿时蓝天碧野中惬意悠闲的时光。不知什么时候,可爱的“卡哇伊”主题,在我们眼中成为幼稚的代名词,然而儿时那最“幼稚”的向往,却是最为真实的纯洁。又到看着街上孩子满眼幸福的时候,就让我们回到游戏中去体味那份卡哇伊带来的感动吧。