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在变电站设备维护的过程中,在红外测温技术的帮助下,能够提高各项检测结果的准确性与检测操作的快捷性。从红外测温技术本身的特点出发,对变电站设备在运行过程中长期存在的问题进行严格的排查,根据排查结果有针对性的设计各项问题的解决方案,能够对各种可能出现的电力系统故障进行有效所预防。随着我国红外测温技术的不断发展,该技术的应用前景越来越广阔,本文对变电站设备巡视中红外测温技术的具体应用方法进行了详细的阐述与分析,希望可以起到参考作用。 In the process of substation equipment maintenance, with the help of infrared temperature measurement technology, the accuracy of each test result and the quickness of test operation can be improved. From the characteristics of infrared temperature measurement technology itself, the substation equipment in the operation of the process of long-standing problems to conduct a rigorous investigation according to the results of the troubleshooting targeted design solutions to various problems that can occur on a variety of power systems Failure to prevent effectively. With the continuous development of infrared temperature measurement technology in our country, the application prospect of this technology is more and more broad. This paper elaborates and analyzes in detail the application methods of mid-infrared temperature measurement in the equipment inspection of substation, hoping it can serve as a reference.
采用FB 2000 型DCS计算机控制系统,实现某大型电力抽水站自动化运行的短期目标.文章介绍由现场控制站和监控操作站组成的系统设计方案和配置,着重介绍系统的信号采集、处理、控制、显示、
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