
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delphi_quaker
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近年来广东省破获大量的重大刑事案件,一些影响恶劣、造成社会震动的案件能够及时破获,这不是一种孤立、偶然的现象,而是我们不断增强侦察破案综合实力的结果。80年代以来,随着我国社会经济形态的急剧变化,犯罪也进入了“高增长”时期,不仅发案大量增多,而且相继出现了一系列新的犯罪类型,犯罪的形式也朝着组织化、暴力化、智能化和跳跃性方向发展,社会危害大,破案难度也大。公安机关不论是侦察破案的观念意识、工作机制,还是队伍力量、技术装备、基础业务工作等,都不适应斗争形势的需要。面对严峻的形势,广东省公安机关并不是畏缩不前、无所作为,而是积极进取,开拓前进,在狠抓侦察破案的同时,大力加强队伍建设和基础业务工作,改革公安机关的勤务制度和运行机制,初步走出了一条同现代刑事犯罪作斗争的新路子。这一过程,就是不断更新观念,努力适应形势发展要求,逐步提高侦察破案综合实力的过程。 In recent years, Guangdong Province has uncovered a large number of major criminal cases. Some cases that have a bad influence and caused social shocks can be promptly cracked. This is not an isolated and accidental phenomenon. It is also a result of continuously enhancing the overall strength of reconnaissance and detection. Since the 1980s, with the drastic changes in the social and economic conditions in our country, criminality has also entered a period of “high growth”. Not only has there been a substantial increase in crimes, but also a series of new types of crimes have emerged in succession, The trend of intensification, violence, intelligence and jumping is great, and the society is in great danger and the difficulty of solving crimes is also great. The public security organs neither reconnoitre the concept of awareness, working mechanism, team strength, technical equipment, basic business work, etc., are not suited to the needs of the situation in the fight. Faced with the severe situation, the public security organs of Guangdong Province are not shrinking or doing nothing. Instead, they make every effort to solve the case by reconnaissance and reconnaissance. At the same time, they vigorously strengthen team building and basic business work, reform the service system of the public security organs, Operational mechanism has initially taken a new path of struggle against modern criminal crimes. This process is the process of continuously updating concepts, making efforts to meet the requirements of the development of the situation and gradually improving the overall strength of reconnaissance and case detection.
急性心肌梗塞(AMI)和脑梗塞是严重威胁人类生命与健康的两种常见病。我们从1985年以来共收治9例AMI并发脑梗塞病例,现报告如下。 1 临床资料本组9例中男6例,女3例。年龄46~78
从最广泛的意义上讲 ,文化包括人类一切的物质创造和精神创造。毫无疑义 ,它也包括人类一切与海洋有关的创造 ,就是说包括“海洋文化”。但是长期以来 ,人们在讨论文化问题时
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