来源 :Journal of Xi'an Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxinliuyun
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Objective To investigate transfusion transmitted virus (TTV) infection among population of different groups in Shaanxi Province.Methods A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers from ORF1 of TTV genome was established to detect TTV DNA in serum of the patients.Results TTV DAN was detected in the sera of 3 of 50 cases of general population(6%), 2 of 30 cases of vocational blood donors(6.7%),21 of 97 cases with Type B hepatitis(21.6%),9 of 35 cases of Type C hepatitis (25.7%),and 23 of 40 cases with non A~non G hepatitis(57 5%).Conclusion There is TTV infection among general population in Shaanxi Province.TTV may be an important agent to cause non A~non G hepatitis .And the patients with HBV or HCV can have overlapping TTV infection. Objective To investigate transfusion transmitted virus (TTV) infection among population of different groups in Shaanxi Province. Methods A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers from ORF1 of TTV DNA was established to detect TTV DNA in serum of the patients. Results TTV DAN was detected in the sera of 3 of 50 cases of general population (6%), 2 of 30 cases of vocational blood donors (6.7%), 21 of 97 cases with Type B hepatitis (21.6%), 9 of 35 cases of Type Conclusion There is a TTV infection among general population in Shaanxi Province. TTV may be an important agent to cause non A ~ non G (25.7%), and 23 of 40 cases with non A to non G hepatitis (57.5%). .And the patients with HBV or HCV can have overlapping TTV infection.
在我审阅本期增刊稿件时 ,发现没有序言。作为论文集少了序言 ,应该说有一种缺憾。作为组织全省公安科技民警开展大讨论活动的科技处长 ,我感到有必要补一序。2 0 0 3年 ,为
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
对于眼运动中枢控制机制的研究是探索神经系统感觉、运动信息加工处理一个重要方面。近些年来 ,这一领域的研究非常活跃。遗憾的是 ,大量工作集中在对共轭性眼运动 (conjugat
Objective In order to explore the relationship between the “Wits” appraisaI and the ANB angle, and to see how accurately one can predict the “Wits”. Methods
目的 :为了再次证明pHGF的免疫功能。方法 :应用免疫组织化学法测定pHGF对脐血单个核细胞表达CD4、CD8、HLA DR分子的影响。结果 :证明pHGF均能促进上述分子在脐血单个核细胞
本文对 64例成人左肝管的长度及行程定位进行了观察。左肝管长 1.2 8± 0 .4 1cm。左肝管大多行于肝方叶后 1/ 3范围内 ,即横行或斜行于肝门左半内 ,其起始部大多贴近肝圆韧