2016年7月28日,随着“YUAN ZHEN HAI”号超大型矿砂船入级中国船级社(CCS)检验船队,CCS的检验船队突破了一亿总吨。8月1日下午,中国船级社2016年特别理事会暨中国船级社成立60周年座谈会召开,会上同时举行了CCS跨亿吨新航程启航仪式。CCS检验船队超越一亿总吨,标志着CCS发展实现了由大到强的质的飞跃,由此开启了向更高、更远目标进军的新航程。
On July 28, 2016, as the “YUAN ZHEN HAI” super-large ore carrier entered the CCS inspection fleet, CCS inspection fleet exceeded 100 million gross tons. On the afternoon of August 1, the symposium for the 60th anniversary of the special classification committee of China Classification Society in 2016 and the establishment of China Classification Society was held. At the same time, the launching ceremony of the trans-billion-tonne new voyage of CCS was held. CCS inspection fleet surpassed 100 million gross tonnage, marking a massive leap in CCS development from big to strong, thus opening a new voyage to march towards higher and further targets.