
来源 :中国供销合作经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ctzlhst
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《买卖人是一部以农村供销社为题材的长篇小说,全书 28万字,2001年 8月作家出版社出版。作者杨学中是一位多年从事供销社行政工作的老同志。《买卖人》以我国东北农村一个基层供销社的业务活动为背景,通过对两种对立思想路线的揭示和剖析,旨在探索中国当代农村供销合作社的历史走向及其成败得失,热情歌颂了常年奋斗在农业生产第一线的供销社工作者的工作生活,对于继续推动和深化供销社的改革开放不无借鉴和启迪意义。为帮助读者了解此书,本刊选登本书主人翁、彩虹供销社代主任、党支部书记高峰到靠山大队为“三农”服务的一节。 “The trader is a novels with the theme of rural supply and marketing cooperatives, the book 280,000 words, published in August 2001 Writers Publishing House. Author Yang Xuezhong is an old comrade who has been engaged in the administrative work of supply and marketing cooperatives for many years. Based on the business activities of a grassroots supply and marketing cooperative in rural northeast China, the ”businesspeople“, through the revelation and analysis of two opposing lines of thought, aims to explore the historical trend and success or failure of the modern rural supply and marketing cooperatives in China. The work and life of workers and staff of supply and marketing cooperatives who are struggling in the frontline of agricultural production are not without reference and enlightenment significance for continuing to promote and deepen the reform and opening up of supply and marketing cooperatives. In order to help readers understand this book, this publication elects the book owner, rainbow supply and marketing agency acting director, party branch secretary peak to the brigade for the ”three rural" service section.
各级政研室开展决策研究,为领导决策服务,每一步都离不开资料。一、政研资料的特点从政研资料的收集与整理来看,其特点表现为: 1、涉及面广。由于领导决策涉及到本地区政治
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