来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:David_Wang_GuanJun
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An X-band EPR study on a Na_3(CrMo_6O_(24)H_6)·8H_2O single crystal diluted by its isomor-phic compound Na_3(AlMo_6O_(24)H_6)·8H_2O at room temperature is reported. Using the least squares-fitting method to simulate the EPR data for principal planes, the Hamiltonian parameterswere obtained. The principal values of the g tensors are g_(ZZ) = 1.904, g_(XX)= 1.973, g_(YY)=1.933. The zero field splitting tensor parameters are D = 0.275 cm~(-1), E = 0.05 cm~(-1). The fielddependence of Cr~(3+) energy levels with field at different angles from the principal axes whenthe field is along the principal planes is calculated based on these experimental parameters.The isofrequency plots of calculated field vs. angle are also shown. They agree well with theexperimental results. An X-band EPR study on a Na_3 (CrMo_6O_ (24) H_6) · 8H_2O single crystal diluted by its isomor-phic compound Na_3 (AlMo_6O_ (24) H_6) · 8H_2O at room temperature is reported. The principal values ​​of the g tensors are g_ (ZZ) = 1.904, g_ (XX) = 1.973, g_ (YY) = 1.933. The zero field splitting tensor parameters are D = 0.275 cm -1, E = 0.05 cm -1. The field dependence of Cr 3 + energy levels with field at different angles from the principal axes whenthe field is along the principal planes is calculated based on these experimental parameters. The isofrequency plots of calculated field vs. angle are also shown. Both agree well with the experimental result.
<正> 哲学季刊(The Philosophical Quarterly)1950年创刊 苏格兰哲学会与圣安德鲁斯大学合办。由设在圣安德鲁斯大学的一个编委会编辑。编委会主席库珀(Cooper,N.邓迪大学) 执行编辑斯奎尔斯(Sguires,R.圣安德鲁斯大学)布莱克威尔公司出版 季刊140页 25开 ISSN 0031—8094 中国公
This paper studies photo-,cathodo-and X-ray luminescence of Ce~(3+) and Dy~(3+)mono-doped LABO_3samples or Ce~(3+),Dy~(3+) codoped LaBO_3 samples and the depen
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目的 了解商丘市慢性丝虫病患病状况,为开展慢性丝虫病患者的治疗和照料工作提供依据.方法 于2010年对商丘市由居民及乡村级基层医生提供线索的慢性丝虫病患者进行排查核实,
Either bacterial attachment or cellulose fibrillar elaboration was hardly observedduring the cocultivation of the cultured suspension cells of Oryza sativa Indi
<正> 面对着图书市场的激烈竞争,出版社要在竞争中站稳脚跟,永远立于不败之地,其中一条至关重要的出路就是要使自己的出书选题独具特色,以期适应学术进步和社会发展的需要。这里所讲的出书选题的独具特色是指依据出版社自身的专业要求,体现专业指向的特点,具备相当的思想、艺术与科学水准,并能在专业范围内具有自己不可或缺的存在价值。最近笔者读到的由山东大学出版社出版的《中国当代文学研究资料丛书·长篇小说研究专集》(牛运清主编)