
来源 :中国基础科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongerxingfu
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中枢神经系统(CNS)的干细胞(stemcell of central nervous system)是近年来神经科学研究的热点之一,它不仅涉及神经系统的发育,而且在神经损伤修复和退行性疾病的治疗中均有重要的应用前景。虽然CNS干细胞的研究还远远落后于血液系统干细胞的理论和应用现状,但对于存在许多难题亟待解决的神经生物学而言,神经干细胞的问世可以说是神经生物学领域内的又一重大进展。 One of the hot topics in neuroscience research in recent years is stem cell of central nervous system (CNS), which is not only involved in the development of the nervous system but also important in the treatment of nerve injury repair and degenerative diseases Application prospects. Although the research of CNS stem cells lags far behind the theory and application of hematopoietic stem cells, the advent of neural stem cells can be said to be another significant progress in the field of neurobiology for neurobiology with many difficult problems to be solved .
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目的 简化DNA测序方法 ,优化条件 ,以适用于线粒体DNA的测序。方法 应用MaxamGilbert化学断裂反应和连接介导PCR(LigationMediatedPCR ,LMPCR)来测定线粒体DNA的序列。结果
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