Male, 29 years old. To fever, headache, intermittent seizures for 6 weeks, increased 3d admitted. Before admission in the outer court by viral encephalitis, liver coma treatment invalid for 4 weeks and transferred. Past in 1994 in the hospital due to cirrhosis, hypersplenism, splenectomy surgery. Physical examination: T38 ℃, P80 times / min, BP14 / 7kPa. Conscious, chronic illness. No spider nevus, visible liver palms. Sclera no yellow dye, the neck has a sense of resistance. Heart-lung negative. Hepatic inferior collateral, no abdominal varicose veins, abdominal movement dullness negative. Limb muscle strength, muscle tone normal. Flapping wing tremor negative, bilateral ankle clonus negative, Babinski sign negative. Hepatoconjam continued to be treated for 2 weeks after admission, his condition did not improve, and he was still hot (about 38 ° C). He had severe headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting.