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本文介绍了一种结构特殊的少齿差行星减速机:它以“相交轴内外齿传动”作为少齿差部份。而以“相交轴齿形联轴器”作为输出机构。这种少齿差减速机具有结构简单、承载能力大等优点。“相交轴内外齿传动”是本文作者提出的一种新型的齿轮传动。其内齿圈即为一般渐开线直齿内齿圈。以它的齿面为母面,用一种特殊的展成法获得与其共轭的外齿轮的齿面。文章推导了这种传动形式的啮合方程、接触线方程和齿面方程。当内、外齿轮齿数相等时,这种传动即成为“相交轴齿形联轴器”。文章叙述了获得这种特殊外齿轮齿形的展成切削法——“双分齿切齿法”。只有采用这种特殊的切齿法,“相交轴内外齿传动”和“相交轴齿形联轴器”方得以成为现实。 This paper presents a special structure of a small tooth difference planetary reducer: It is “intersecting the axis of internal and external gear transmission” as a small tooth difference. The “intersecting shaft gear coupling” as the output mechanism. This kind of small tooth difference reducer has the advantages of simple structure, large carrying capacity and so on. “Intersecting shaft internal and external gear transmission” is a new type of gear transmission proposed by the author of this paper. The inner ring gear is generally involute spur gear. With its tooth surface as the parent surface, with a special extension method to obtain the conjugate external gear tooth surface. The article deduces the meshing equation, contact line equation and tooth surface equation of this transmission form. When the internal and external gear teeth are equal, this kind of transmission becomes “intersecting shaft tooth-shaped coupling”. The article describes the development of such a special external gear tooth cutting method - “double split tooth method.” Only with this special method of cutting teeth, “intersecting the shaft internal and external gear transmission” and “intersecting shaft gear coupling” side to become a reality.
当我拥有它的第二个晚上,我才把它的车篷打开,一是因为现在北京白天的沙尘较多,二是因为我怕众人向我投来的奇异目光,似乎我不属于这个世界一样…… When I owned it the se
郑绳楦,男,1938年1月生,浙江省 衢县人。1956年考入哈尔滨工业大学无线 电系,1961年毕业后到东北重型机械学院 任教,曾担任教研室主任,系主任,校学术 委员会委员等职务。1989年至1991年期间, 曾以高级访问
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