
来源 :宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wychenjian
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通过大量的田野调查和综合比较,尝试在前人研究的基础上,详细描写宁夏兰银官话区回民话[r]韵母及儿化韵的地域分布及其差异性,并对其历时演变进行初步探讨。“儿”类字(古日母止摄开口三等字)在宁夏北部回民话调查点中多读[r]韵,个别调查点已失去卷舌特征读[a]或[]。有[r]韵的回民话则有“儿”后缀,但“儿”后缀的构词能力各地差异较大。在“儿”后缀构词能力较强的回民话中有系统的儿化韵;在只有少量“儿”缀词的回民话中只有零散的、不成系统的儿化韵。但各地回民话阿拉伯语、波斯语借词的读音中都有相当数量的类似儿化的卷舌音节,即使在[r]韵母及儿化韵已消失的回民话调查点中也是如此。从历史音变来看,明中叶以来的460年间,宁夏北部“儿”后缀和儿化韵渐至消亡,其消亡速度,回民话要滞后于汉民话;其消亡过程,回民话内部也将是不平衡的。 Based on a large number of field surveys and comprehensive comparisons, this paper tries to describe in detail the geographical distribution and differences of vowel and rhyming rhyming of Hui dialect [n] Discussion. Reading “r” (the third-class character of ancient Japan) was read more in the survey points of the Hui dialect in the northern part of Ningxia [r]. Individual survey points have lost the curl reading [a] or []. There are “r” rhyming Hui dialect “child” suffix, but “children” suffix word-building ability vary widely. There is a systematic rhyme in the Hui dialect with strong abilities of suffix formation in the “children”. There is only a scattered and systematic fallacy in the Hui dialect with only a few “children” suffixes. However, there are quite a few similar cribling syllables in the spoken Arabic and Persian loanwords of the Hui dialect, even in the Hui dialect survey sites where r and vowels have disappeared. From the historical sounding point of view, in the 460 years since the middle of Ming Dynasty, the suffix of “Er” and the infiltration of children in northern Ningxia gradually vanished, and the rate of extinction and the return to the Hui language lagged behind the Han dialect. In the process of its demise, the interior of the Hui dialect would also be unbalanced.
驱赶雷电 ,唤来降雨 ?过去 ,为达此目的 ,阿兹台克人祭献儿童 ,斯巴达人向云层射箭。如今 ,天气状况已经不再由神灵掌握 ,人类已试图随心所欲地改变气候。公元前 480年 ,波斯
词汇是英语写作最基本的材料 ,无论写句子 ,还是写文章都离不开词汇 ,确切地说 ,离不开措词 (choiceofwords)。词汇运用得当是写好句子和文章的基础。因此 ,写作中应注意以下几个方面。1 