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6月29日,省政府办公厅在省政府礼堂举行了隆重的“三讲”教育动员大会。省政府办公厅机关、省政府法制局机关全体职工,厅属各单位党政主要负责人,正处级以上离退休老同志参加了大会。省委“三讲”巡视组到会指导,省政府秘书长陈大卫在会上作了重要讲话。省政府副秘书长胡中兴主持会议。陈大卫说,中央决定在县级以上党政领导班子和领导干部中,用整风精神开展以“三讲”为主要内容的党性党风教育,是贯彻党的十五大精神和中央部署,深入学习邓小平理论,加强领导班子建设,提高领导干部素质的一项重要举措。大家一定要从事关党和国家前途命运的高度来认识和对待这件大事,以高度的政治责任心,足够的领导精力、良好的精神状态,把的“三讲”教育切实抓紧抓好,决不走过场。陈大卫指出,开展好这次“三讲”教育,一定要严格遵循中央和省 On June 29, the provincial government general office held a grand “three stresses” education mobilization meeting in the provincial government auditorium. The general office of the provincial government and the office of the Legislative Affairs Bureau of the provincial government are the main leaders of the Party and government departments of the units. At the retired and old comrades above the rank and file, the General Assembly attended the meeting. Provincial Party Committee “three stresses ” inspection group to guide the provincial government secretary-general Chen Dawei made an important speech at the meeting. Hu Zhongxing, deputy secretary general of the provincial government, presided over the meeting. Chen Dawei said: The Central Committee has decided to carry out the party spirit and the central government’s deployment of the party spirit with the spirit of rectifying and rectifying the spirit of the party culture and the party’s work style featuring “three stresses” as the main content among the party and government leading bodies and leading cadres above the county level, It is an important measure to further study Deng Xiaoping Theory, strengthen leadership team building and improve the quality of leading cadres. We must take cognizance and treatment of this important event from the height of the future and destiny of the party and our country. With a high sense of political responsibility, enough leadership energy and a good mental state, we must pay close attention to the education of “three stresses.” , Never go through the field. Chen David pointed out that to carry out this “three stresses” education, we must strictly abide by the central and provincial
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