按福建省委编办闽编办〔1999〕14号文组建的福建省建设科技发展促进中心 ,日前已正式成立 ,并启动运作。该中心是省建设厅直属事业单位。中心的宗旨是 :面向和服务于建设系统 ,积极宣传和推广建设“五新”技术 ,促进建设行业的科技进步 ,促进科技成果的转化和产业化 ,发挥政府
According to the Fujian Provincial Party Committee organized Fujian Minjian [1999] No. 14 document set up Fujian Provincial Construction Science and Technology Development Promotion Center, has recently been formally established and started operation. The center is directly under the provincial construction department institutions. The purpose of the center is: to face and serve the construction system, actively promote and popularize the “five new technologies”, promote the scientific and technological progress in the construction industry, promote the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and give full play to the role of the government