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奥地利作曲家莫扎特是古典乐派最典型的作曲家,他与海顿、贝多芬并称为维也纳古典乐派三大作曲家。2006年是莫扎特诞辰250周年,欧洲乃至世界文化界徐徐拉开了规模非同寻常的“莫扎特年”纪念活动的帷幕。书店里醒目地陈列着各种莫扎特的传记和难以计数的、由许许多多著名指挥家、演奏家诠释的录音带和激光唱片。在莫扎特的出生地——奥地利的萨尔茨堡,从1月27日他的诞生日开始,至他的忌日12月6日为止,在长达313天的时间内将把莫扎特有案可查的全部626部作品上演一遍,仅在2006年夏天的萨尔茨堡音乐节期间就上演了他的全部22部歌剧。 Austrian composer Mozart is the most classical composers of classical music, he and Haydn, Beethoven and known as the Vienna classical music genres three composers. In 2006, it was the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birthday. The cultural world in Europe and even the world started the commemoration of the extraordinary “Mozart Year”. The bookstore prominently displays various Mozart biographies and countless tapes and CDs interpreted by many famous conductors and performers. In Mozart’s birthplace, Salzburg, Austria, starting on his birth day January 27 and ending on December 6, his molesting date will take Mozart’s case for as long as 313 days Of all 626 works staged again, only in the summer of 2006 Salzburg Festival staged all of his 22 operas.
“高中诺贝尔奖”华裔学生夺冠美国第七届“西门子西屋科技竞赛”在2005年12月5日揭晓,来自亚利桑那州的谢大椿和同学安妮·李(Anne Lee)在总决赛中获得团体冠军,分享了10万