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针对空间激光通信系统小型化设计的需求,提出了使用雪崩二极管(APD)型四象限探测器实现跟踪与通信复用的方案,用以降低通信系统的体积和功耗,提高光能量的利用率。简述了系统总体方案的组成与工作原理,在室内搭建测试平台,对跟踪与通信复用模式下的数据采集、通信速率、极限灵敏度、跟踪精度等探测性能进行测试。结果表明:采用靶面直径为4mm的APD型InGaAs四象限探测器,在曼彻斯特编码、强度调制/直接探测条件下,通信速率可达10 Mb/s,探测灵敏度为-35.4dBm,误码率为10~(-6)。当光斑直径为四象限探测器光敏面直径的一半左右时,光斑位置检测的最小分辨率为2μm,探测范围可达0.8 mm,角分辨率为0.8μrad。初步验证了使用APD型四象限探测器用于跟踪与通信复合探测技术的可行性,为空间激光通信系统小型化设计提供技术支持。 In order to meet the demand of miniaturization design of space laser communication system, a scheme of tracking and communication multiplexing using avalanche-diode (APD) type four-quadrant detector is proposed to reduce the volume and power consumption of communication system and improve the utilization of light energy . The composition and principle of the overall scheme of the system are briefly described. The test platform is set up indoors, and the detection performance such as data acquisition, communication rate, ultimate sensitivity and tracking accuracy are tested in the tracking and communication multiplex mode. The results show that the detection rate is up to 10 Mb / s and the detection sensitivity is -35.4 dBm with an APD InGaAs four-quadrant detector with a target diameter of 4 mm under Manchester encoding and intensity modulation / direct detection. The error rate is 10 ~ (-6). When the spot diameter is about half the diameter of the photosensitive surface of a four-quadrant detector, the minimum resolution of the spot position detection is 2 μm, the detection range is up to 0.8 mm and the angular resolution is 0.8 μrad. The feasibility of APD-based four-quadrant detector for composite detection of tracking and communication was initially verified, and the technical support for the miniaturization of space laser communication system was provided.
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