美国称霸世界的企图由来已久,早在50年前,美国空军为了炫耀其全球作战能力,下令B-50远程轰炸机进行环球飞行。这是美国二战后生产的第一种战略轰炸机,也是世界上首次环球不着陆飞行。 “全球女王”号兵败回府美空军官员估计,环球飞行需要4天时间,这其中,空中加油将成为主要的挑战,因为当时美空军的加油技术还不是很完善。此外,雷达系统也不是太可靠,其作用主要体现在白天。美空军为了确保环球飞行成功,不得不进行一番精心安排,经过研究决定,动用即将投入使用的新型远程轰炸机B-50作为环球飞行的机种。他们计划在B-50飞机起飞后,在该机需要空中加油的地方,派一
As long ago as 50 years ago, the U.S. Air Force ordered the B-50 long-range bomber to fly around the world in order to show off its global combat capability. This is the first strategic bombing aircraft produced by the United States after World War II and the first non-landing flight in the world. “Queen of the World ” defeated Fu-Mei Air Force officials estimated that the global flight takes four days, of which air refueling will be the main challenge, because at that time the US Air Force’s refueling technology is not perfect. In addition, the radar system is not too reliable, its role is mainly reflected in the daytime. In order to ensure the success of the global flight, the U.S. Air Force had to make some careful arrangements and decided to use the new long-range bomber B-50 which will soon be put into operation as a model for global flights. They plan to send one after the B-50 takes off, where it needs to be refueled in the air