
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujunming123123
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作者于1982年-1985年,对浙江省棉根结线虫病进行了调查与研究。结果表明,此病主要发生于金衢盆地的6个县市,肖山个别棉区也有少量发生,慈溪棉区尚未发现。重病地的病林率达80%以上,株高仅为健株的1/3或1/2,对棉花产量和品质影响很大。鉴定证实病原线虫系南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)4号生理小种,除为害棉花外,还能侵染常见的12种作物和17种杂草。试验表明,病原线虫每年发生不完整五代,每代历期约25-30天;营养钵育苗移栽有一定的防病增产作用;沟施3%呋喃丹颗粒剂有良好的防效;不同栽培品种的抗性差异比较明显。 The author from 1982 to 1985, Zhejiang cotton root knot nematode disease were investigated and studied. The results showed that the disease mainly occurred in 6 counties of Jinqu Basin, with a few occurrences in individual cotton areas of Xiao Mountain, but not yet found in the cotton area of ​​Cixi. Severely ill forest rate of more than 80%, plant height of only 1/3 or 1/2, a great impact on cotton yield and quality. Identification confirmed that the pathogenic nematode is Meloidogyne incognita 4 race, in addition to cotton, but also to infiltrate the common 12 kinds of crops and 17 kinds of weeds. Experiments show that pathogenic nematodes occur each year for an incomplete five generations, each generation of about 25-30 days; nutrition bowl seedling transplanting a certain role in disease prevention and increase production; ditch Shi 3% carbofuran granules have good control effect; different cultivation Variety of resistance is more obvious.
美洲商陆抗病毒蛋白(pokeweed antiviral protein,PAP)是从美洲商陆属植物Phytolacca acinosa的不同生长阶段或不同组织中分离和纯化出来的一类具有酶功能的核糖体单链失活蛋白(ribosome-inactivating proteins,RIP).由于PAP具有特异的细胞毒特性,对细胞蛋白质合成的抑制作用以及广谱的抗病毒生物活性,而受到广大研究者的日益关注,本
喜旱莲子草,俗名水花生或肥猪草,是一种繁殖力极强的恶性杂草,以地下茎节繁殖为主。常在沟渠、塘堰和农田发生,不仅影响正常灌溉,且使作物减产。作者等1983 Alternanthera
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