在困难中起步 在奋进中发展

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暹辽合作(泰国)有限公司是中国辽宁国际经济技术合作公司投资,在泰国举办的主营房地产业务,兼营其他项目的合资企业。自1985年5月开业以来,在国际经济形势和泰国投资环境多变的情况下,经历了开拓、低潮、复苏和振兴四个阶段,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。截止1991年5月,已偿还了贷款本息470万美元,向公司上交利润268万美元。暹辽公司经营的那哇那空住宅区,1985年被泰国内务部评为模范住宅村,为公司赢得了声誉。几年来,暹辽公司还组织了辽宁省18个企业在泰国联合经营房地产业、兴办合资企业、实施承包工程和技术服务;并引进国外企业到国内投资办了三个合资企业,发挥了对外窗口 Siam and Liao Cooperation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is an investment company invested by China Liaoning International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co., Ltd., which is the main real estate business in Thailand and a joint venture of other projects. Since its opening in May 1985, under the circumstances of the international economic situation and Thailand’s changing investment environment, it has experienced four stages of exploration, low tide, recovery and revitalization, and has achieved good economic and social benefits. As of May 1991, the principal and interest of the loan had been repaid by 4.7 million U.S. dollars, and the profit paid to the company was 2.68 million U.S. dollars. The Nawa Nakong residential complex operated by Siam and Liao was awarded as a model residential village by the Ministry of the Interior of Thailand in 1985 and earned a reputation for the company. Over the past few years, Siam and Liao Company also organized 18 enterprises in Liaoning Province to jointly operate real estate in Thailand, set up joint ventures, implement contracted projects and technical services; and introduced foreign companies to invest in the country and set up three joint ventures, playing an external window
在营销行业中,有了梦想、有了目标并不意味着成功,还要学会规划,但是不能想得太远。 In the marketing industry, with a dream, having a goal does not mean success, but
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从心理学的角度看,人人都有喜新厌旧的心理。因而,穿着打扮、言谈举止,只有那个“与众不同”的人,才会鹤立鸡群,脱颖而出。 From a psychological point of view, everyone