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8月13日,第30届奥运会在英国伦敦闭幕,中国代表团取得87块奖牌的骄人战绩。四年一次的奥运盛会,是全人类对体育的顶礼膜拜,也是职业运动员一生的梦想。竞技比赛,胜负不可避免,当我们把目光集中在有限的金牌选手时,请不要淡忘赛场上的“失败者”。可以说,能够进入奥运比赛的运动员,都曾付出过常人难以想象的艰辛,为了人类“更快、更高、更强”的目标不断奋进。他们是奥运的先行军,而我们大众,才是体育的推动者。 On August 13, the 30th Olympic Games concluded in London, England. The Chinese delegation won 87 medals. The four-year Olympic Games is a great tribute to sports for all mankind and a lifetime dream for professional athletes. Athletics, the outcome is inevitable, when we focus our attention on a limited number of gold medal players, please do not forget the “Loser” on the court. It can be said that athletes who can enter the Olympic Games have given hardships unimaginable to ordinary people and continuously strive for the goal of being “faster, higher and stronger”. They are the first march of the Olympic Games, and we, the public, are the promoters of sports.