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2000年8月我曾到新疆,21日到达巩乃斯乡政府所在地巩乃斯沟。巩乃斯乡属巴音郭楞蒙古族自治州和静县,地处天山深处,在一条峡谷之中。峡谷间潺潺远来、冰雪融化而成的涧溪水,到了这里发出淙淙的歌声,欢快地从乡政府旁边流过,接着就急不可耐地直奔巩乃斯河,跳跃着、匆忙地投入那巨流的怀抱,随着浪花、旋涡扬长而去。巩乃斯河两岸是无边的高山草甸草原。身旁的天山峰峦,逶迤蜿蜒,无边无际;山峦的阴面都生 In August 2000, I went to Xinjiang and arrived at Gongnaisiou, where the Gongnaisi government was located on the 21st. Gong Nasi Township Bayinguoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture and Jing County, is located in the depths of Tianshan, in a canyon. Gurgling from the gorge to the distant stream, the streams and streams of melted ice and snow, to the here issued chubby song, happily from the township government through, and then impatiently went straight to the Kneas River, jumping, rushed into the giant stream Embrace, with the waves, whirlpool away. Kaness River is boundless alpine meadow grassland. Beside the Tianshan mountain range, winding meandering, boundless; the shade of the mountain are born
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对被称为“夺命”肺炎的侵袭,特区官员表示:香港有有效的疾病监控系统,旅客可以放心来港  韦尔斯医院是香港中文大学的教学医院,这些日子,它成了人们关注的中心。起因就是非典型肺炎。从3月中旬开始,该医院的十几名员工同时发烧,被留院观察。其后,不断地有受感染的病例出现,并扩散到其它医院。据3月18日的最新数字证实,因接触过患非典型肺炎病人而需入院治疗的已有100多人,绝大多数都是在韦尔斯医院。  对这场