Method of Satellite Fault Diagnosis Based on Bayesian Network

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jenniechen007
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Based on Bayesian network, a new method to diagnose satellite faults is presented. The Bayesian network model of physical processing of satellite is developed; the main ideas of Bayesian network model of satellite fault diagnosis are introduced; the method to make the symptom variables values into discrete forms is proposed; one example is given to illustrate the application of Bayesian network model for satellite fault diagnosis. Based on Bayesian network, a new method to diagnose satellite faults is presented. The Bayesian network model of physical processing of satellite is developed; the main ideas of Bayesian network model of satellite fault diagnosis are introduced; the method to make the symptom variables values ​​into discrete forms is proposed; one example is given to illustrate the application of Bayesian network model for satellite fault diagnosis.
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