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威海位于山东半岛东北端,东南北三面环海,下辖文登、荣成、乳山和环翠区。勤劳的威海人民世代繁衍在这片美丽的土地上,千百年来,在与大海的抗争中,形成了他们自己的具有浓郁海洋特色的民俗文化。 靠海吃海的威海人民对大海的养育报以感激、崇敬之情;但是,大海有时也会无情地夺走渔民们的财产,甚至生命,因此渔民们对大海也充满了畏惧。这种对大海的敬畏之情是整个威海民俗文化形成的心理基础。每到年三十,渔民们上船将各处打扫干净,舱门上张贴起大红对联;入夜,鸣锣上船请“(海神)娘娘”回家过年;初一,五更起来第一件事就是鸣锣登船拜祭;以此祈求海神保佑来年的平安、丰收。于是,对大海的敬畏最终归结到人们对自身的观照:平安及生命的延续,这在一些生活禁忌中有集中的反映。渔民们忌讳把筷子担在碗上,据说,在海上作业,遇到大风浪,没有生还的可能时,渔民们会把桅杆砍下,担在船上等死。因此,筷子担在碗上就像桅杆担在船上一样,是不吉利的。渔场忌说“住”, Weihai is located in the northeast end of Shandong Peninsula, northeast and north sides of the sea, under the jurisdiction of Wendeng, Rongcheng, Rushan and Huancui District. The industrious Weihai people multiply in this beautiful land from generation to generation, forming their own folk culture with rich marine features for thousands of years in the battle against the sea. The Weihai people who eat by the sea are grateful and revered for the breeding of the sea; however, the sea sometimes ruthlessly takes away the fishermen’s property and even their lives, so the fishermen are also afraid of the sea. This fear of the sea is the psychological basis of the entire Weihai folk culture. Every year thirty, fishermen embark on the ship will be cleaned everywhere, put on the door on the red couplets; night, Ming Gong boarding please “(Poseidon) empress” go home New Year; first, five more up the first Thing is to cheongpung boarding worship; in order to pray for the Poseidon next year’s peace, harvest. Thus, the reverence for the sea finally comes down to the observation of oneself: peace and the continuation of life, which is reflected in some taboos on life. Fishermen taboo chopsticks on the bowl, it is said that at sea operations, encountered storms, did not survive the possibility of the fishermen will cut off the mast, waiting on board waiting to die. Therefore, it is inauspicious for chopsticks to be carried on the bowl like a mast on board. Fisheries avoid saying “live”