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孔飞力教授《晚清的起义及其敌人—1796-1864年的军事化和社会结构研究》一书是七十年代美国的中国史研究走向新潮流的一本具有代表性的著作。1970年,哈佛大学出版社出版,1980年再版面对中国近代的种种新问题,本书作者从美国老一辈中国学家的“西方冲击,中国反应”的传统模式中解脱出来,(注)转向中国社会内部寻找答案。本书描述了自十九世纪初期直到近代影响中国甚巨的“军事化”过程,其中探讨了中国近代历史的许多问题。例如,近代史应当如何划界?其动因是什么?绅士阶层在近代作用的演变,这种演变如何影响了地方和全国政治。近代中国社会“军事化”的社会构造,它与地方行政贸易网络结构的关系,与地方宗教及家族组织结构的关系,绅士阶层的属性及其特点等等。尽管本书讨论的问题主要来自美国学者之间的学术对话,但其中某些问题的提出及其着眼点对中国研究近代史的学者也许有所启发。此外本书运用社会人类学与历史学结合的分析方法,对国内进行史学方法大讨论的学者们也会有所裨益。今将总括全书的新版序言及第一章第一节译出,希望有助于国内外学者之间的交流。(注)关于美国史学界有关中国近代史研究的发展,参阅柯文著,林同奇译《在中国发现历史—中国中心观的兴起》(1988年中华书局)一书. Professor Kong Fei Li’s “Late Qing Revolt and Its Enemy - 1796-1864 Militarization and Social Structure” was a representative book of the study of the Chinese history in the 1970s that took the new trend. 1970, published by Harvard University Press and reprinted in 1980 Faced with various new problems in modern China, the author of this book freed itself from the traditional model of “Western impact and China’s reaction” by the older Chinese scientists in the United States. (Note) Turn to internal search for answers in Chinese society. This book describes the “militarization” process that has taken a huge part in China since the early 19th century until modern times. It explores many of the issues in modern Chinese history. For example, how should modern history demarcate? What are the motivations? How the gentry has evolved in modern times and how this evolution has affected local and national politics. The social structure of “militarization” in modern Chinese society, its relationship with the network structure of local administrative trade, the relationship with the local religious and family organization structure, the attributes of the gentry and its characteristics, and so on. Although the problems discussed in this book are mainly from the academic dialogues among American scholars, some of the questions raised and their points of view may inspire scholars in China’s study of modern history. In addition, this book uses the combination of sociological anthropology and history of analytical methods, the domestic scholars for the study of historical methods will also benefit. The new edition preface to the whole book and the first section of Chapter One will be translated in the hope that this will help to facilitate exchanges between domestic and foreign scholars. (Note) For the history of American historians on the development of modern Chinese history, see Ke Wenzhu and Lin Tongqi’s “History of Discovery in China - The Rise of China’s Centrality” (Zhonghua Book Company, 1988).