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敖汉旗的社(区)办林场是从1958年下半年开展起来的。二年多的时间,随着人民公社的巩固发展和林业生产的持续大跃进,特别是经过反右倾,鼓干劲的整风和社会主义教育运动,使社(区)办林场得到了迅速的发展。在今年春季就由1959年的二十六处社(区)办林场的基础上,一举发展到九十一处。现在全旗十二个公社已建场十六处,一百三十八个管理区已经办场生产的六十四处,搭起架子的十六处,其它管理区也都建立了林业生产队,正在酝酿向林场过渡,计划到五月末全旗社社、区区实现林场化。在现有九十一处社(区)办林场中,已经固定专业人员三千一百一十三名,配备耕畜四百八十九头,各种车辆五十二辆。其中规模较大、面积在五万亩以上的林场有四处,一般林场的经营面积在一至二 Aohanqi community (district) to do the forest farm was launched from the second half of 1958. Over more than two years, with the consolidation and development of people’s communes and the sustained great leap forward in forestry production, especially through the anti-rightist and vigorous rectification and socialist education campaigns, the forestry farms of social (district) offices have been rapidly developed. This spring, it will be expanded to 91 bases in 1959 on the basis of 26 community (district) -owned forest farms. Now the 12 communes in the entire county have been set up in 16 districts. There are 64 places where 138 administrative districts have been set up and 16 shelves have been set up. Other management areas have also set up forestry production teams , Is making a transition to the forest farms, and it is planned that by the end of May, the entire community will enjoy forestry. Of the existing 91 community (district) -owned forest farms, 3,133 professionals have been set up, and 408 are poultry and 52 are all kinds of vehicles. Among them, large-scale forest farms with an area of ​​more than 50,000 mu have four sites, and the general area of ​​forest farms ranges from one to two
天崩地裂,青山倾颓,河川阻流,房屋坍塌,生命陨落……“5.12”汶川特大地震波及苍溪。转瞬之间,全县死亡11人,城乡80%的房屋和60%的基础设施严重受损,直接经 Heaven collapsi
目的建立一种灵敏、准确测定血浆中毒死蜱(chlorpyrifos,CPF)及其主要代谢物3,5,6-三氯-2-吡啶醇(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol,TCP)的气相色谱(GC)方法。方法取0.5 m L家兔
Purpose: To compare lid-induced changes in corneal optics following reading, microscopy and computer work. Methods: Nine subjects with normal ocular health were
摘要 在科学教学过程中,传授知识的同时应渗透德育。培养学生的自信心和责任感,让他们具有勇敢、坚毅、不怕挫折、爱学习、热爱祖国的优良品质。  关键词 科学教学 德育渗透 教育观念  精神力和物质力构成一个国家的综合国力。德育是教育的灵魂和核心。德育文化是一个国家精神力的主要组成部分。在这个信息化、国际化的时代,在寻找德育发展规律中积极建构符合时代精神、具有本校特色的德育文化,已成为摆在每个德育工