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党的十八届四中全会明确提出,要探索建立突出检察官、法官主体地位的办案责任制。检察长办案机制作为深化检察官办案责任制改革中创新工作机制的一项重要举措,在一定程度上有效推进了办案责任制改革的顺利进行。文章提出应明确检察长定位,即办案检察官,并厘清检察长直接承办案件与参与办理案件的关系、检察长承办案件与处理内外部行政事务的关系,在此基础上,确立案件适用范围和启动程序。通过结合工作实际,提出以办案组为主、独任制为辅的检察长办案方式,完善质量评查、绩效考核、核阅等检察长办案的监督制约机制。 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made it clear that we should explore establishing a responsibility system for handling cases that highlights the status of the chief prosecutor and the judge. As an important measure to deepen the innovation work mechanism in the reform of the prosecutor’s responsibility system, the procurator’s handling mechanism has effectively promoted the smooth progress of the reform of the responsibility system of handling cases to a certain extent. The article puts forward that the procurator should define the position of procuratorate, that is prosecutor of case handling, clarify the relationship between procuratorate directly handling case and participating in case handling, procuratorial case handling and dealing with internal and external administrative affairs, and on this basis, establish the applicable scope and starting program. By combining with the actual work, we propose a case handling method for the Attorney General, which is mainly composed of case-handling units and supplemented by the sole responsibility system, and improves the supervision and restriction mechanism of procurators handling cases such as quality inspection, performance evaluation and verification.
为探寻稻田福寿螺的有效防控办法,研究了不同养鸭密度、不同放养时间和放养不同品种鸭对稻田福寿螺的防控效果及对水稻产量的影响。结果表明:当稻田养鸭时间为40 d时,对福寿
以装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的黄牛作为瘤胃液的供体动物,应用短期人工瘤胃发酵技术研究日粮组合效应对瘤胃液pH、NH3–N含量和不同发酵时间(2、4、8、12、24 h)产气量的影响。结果
本文综合介绍了当前国内外纸用柔软剂的发展动向 ,重点介绍了可降解季铵盐 ,有机硅类柔软剂的进展与使用情况