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本文着重介绍“南海号”挖泥船十三年来开挖水工建筑物基槽的施工经验.实践证明,控制挖槽质量的关键,主要在于作好挖槽施工展布,深度、宽度、前移距控制和施工操作等方面的工作. 挖槽施工展布主要在作好挖槽施工设计.深度控制是以吸嘴中心为水尺零点,在绞刀吊架上安装水尺,由驾驶员直接观测,以确定绞刀下放深度,并通过试挖验测予以校正。宽度是利用视线标志来进行控制;在较浅的河道施工时也可采用插边线竿的办法.前移距是利用“横尺”方法来控制. 在施工操作方面,总结出“中间切入,分层开挖,最后一层薄”的操作方法.同吋,还提出了驾驶人员必须掌握水位涨落的变化、泥面厚度的变化、前移距大小的变化以及灵活換边和灵活掌握绞车等四个操作规律,以便更好的控制工程质量和有效地提高挖泥效率。 This paper focuses on the construction experience of “South China Sea” dredger excavation of 13-year foundation tank of hydraulic structures.It has been proved that the key to control the quality of the trench excavation is to make the construction, depth, width, Distance control and construction operations, etc. The construction of the trench excavation is mainly designed for the construction of the grooving.The depth control is based on the zero point of the water level at the suction nozzle and the water gauge on the hanger of the cutter, Direct observation to determine the reamer depth, and through the dig test to be corrected. Width is the use of line of sight to control signs; in the shallow river construction can also be used when the interpolation line rod.Advanced distance is the use of “horizontal ruler” method to control.In the construction operation, summed up the “middle cut into points Layer excavation, the last layer of thin. ”At the same time, also raised the driver must grasp the changes in water level fluctuations, the thickness of the mud surface changes, the size of the forward move change as well as flexible edge change and flexible grasp winch Four operating rules in order to better control the quality of the project and effectively improve the efficiency of dredging.
重力坝混凝土的抗裂性、温度控制和标号选择是水工混凝土设计施工中急待解决的重要问题.经过近几年来的工程实践,在这方面发现了不少新问题需要研究解决,主要的有: 1.是否需
A new complex of melamine(MA) with benzoic acid(HBA) was prepared,affording [(HMA+)(BA-)]·2H2O. Each HBA molecule is deprotonated and one triazine nitrogen ato