Effect of La~(3+)on Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes in Wheat Seedlings under Mercury Stress

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzlang
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The effects of La(NO 3) 3 on the growth,activities of SOD,CAT and MDA content in shoots and roots of wheat seedlings under mercury stress were evaluated by the nutrient solution culture experiment. The results suggest that there is positive effect of La(NO 3) 3 on enhancing the activities of SOD,CAT,decrease of MDA content in shoots and roots of wheat seedlings during 0~5 d. But La(NO 3) 3 evens and cooperates with mercury when plants are too long under mercury stress. Mercury inhibits the growth of wheat seedlings more grievously. The effects of La (NO 3) 3 on the growth, activities of SOD, CAT and MDA content in shoots and roots of wheat seedlings under mercury stress were evaluated by the nutrient solution culture experiment. The results suggest that there is a positive effect of La (NO 3) 3 on enhancing the activities of SOD, CAT, decrease of MDA content in shoots and roots of wheat seedlings during 0 ~ 5 d. But La (NO 3) 3 evens and cooperates with mercury when plants are too long under mercury stress. Mercury inhibits the growth of wheat seedlings more grievously.
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