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Hunger and malnutrition are burdens that are pronounced in developing countries where they manifest themselves in the forms of protein energy malnutrition. Maln
Whole grain gluten-free high protein vegetable snacks were evaluated. The snacks were Buckwheat-Peanut Meal-Kale (BPK), BPK-Garlic, BPK-Onion and BPK-Ginger. Pe
Background: Growth retardation is a challenge in Bangladesh. School feeding programs with fortified biscuits have been evaluated in Bangladesh. However, the imp
Obesity, a major risk factor in numerous pathologies, poses a public health problem. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of the risk of ove
<正> 高粱按栽培目的分三种类型:一是粒用高粱,具有较高的经济产量,以生产粮食为目的;二是饲用高粱,植株茎叶繁茂,柔软多汁,具有较高的生物产量,用于生产青贮饲料;三是糖高粱
Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) possesses curative and therapeutic properties attributed to the polysaccharides found in its tissue. This work aimed to stud