Medical plant extracts and natural compounds with a hepatoprotective effect against damage caused by

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fiscar
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Drug-induced liver injury encompasses a spectrum of diseases ranging from mild biochemical abnormalities to acute liver failure; example of this scenery is hepatotoxicity caused by the first-line antituberculous drugs isoniazid, rifampin and pyrazinamide, which are basic for treatment of drug-sensible and drug-resistant tuberculosis. In the search for pharmacological alternatives to prevent liver damage, antitubercular drugs have been the subject of numerous studies and published reviews, a great majority of them carried out by Asian countries. At the same time, hepatoprotectors from plant source are now emerging as a possible alternative to counteract the toxic effects of these therapeutic agents. The present review aims to highlight the most recent studies on the subject, based information published in scientific databases such as Scopus and Pub Med. Drug-induced liver injury encompasses a spectrum of diseases ranging from mild biochemical abnormalities to acute liver failure; example of this scenery is hepatotoxicity caused by the first-line antituberculous drugs isoniazid, rifampin and pyrazinamide, which are basic for treatment of drug-sensible and drug-resistant tuberculosis. In the search for pharmacological alternatives to prevent liver damage, antitubercular drugs have been the subject of numerous studies and published reviews, a great majority of them carried out by Asian countries. At the same time, hepatoprotectors from plant source are now emerging as a possible alternative to counteract the toxic effects of these therapeutic agents. The present review aims to highlight the most recent studies on the subject, based information published in scientific databases such as Scopus and Pub Med.
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我苦恼,我自卑,每次班上挑选学生去参加活动时,都没有我的份。班主任的目光总是从我身上一闪而过,个中原因不说我也知道,不就是因为我很平凡吗——平凡的脸蛋、平凡的身材、平凡的气质。哦,对了,还戴着一副平凡的眼镜。  我期盼着,我做梦都期盼着有朝一日班主任大人的目光能眷顾我一次,让我能在展现自我风采的舞台上,抛一下头,露一下面,让崭露头角的活动大门也对我敞开一次;在磨砺人生的舞台上,也让我施展一次,历练
<正> 1992年10月19—23日,全国高校外国文学教学研究会在桂林广西师范大学召开年会。来自全国各地的130多名老中青老师和部分研究生聚集一堂,以“二十世纪文学的总体反思”为题。交流了近几年来教学和研究的成果。与会者各抒己见,发言积极,会议气氛十分热烈。开幕式上,宣读了著名外国文学专家季羡林会长给大家的贺信。季老在贺信中指出:“现在改革开放的大潮,已汹涌澎湃,影响了全国各行各业,外国文学研究自不能例外。要想把工作做好,必须跟上形势。我认为首先应该换一换脑筋。我们还须想方设法配合改革的步伐
在洛杉矶发生骚乱之前相当一段时间,有3个行动艺术群体开始以大众艺术的形式来表达这一地区的种族与经济方面的紧张关系。 我生活在洛杉矶,那里有4名洛杉矶警察局的警察被控
应法国索尼埃·杜瓦尔公司之邀请,北京煤气用具厂及天然气公司一行五人前往法国索尼埃·杜瓦尔公司在欧洲的基地所在地—南特市接受技术培训。 我们于1995年9月8日乘坐中国