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首届胡绳青年学术奖和第二届全国青年社会科学成果奖颁奖大会日前在北京举行。专家认为,获奖的优秀社会科学成果显示了高度的学术水平和较强的社会应用价值,而一大批优秀青年社会科学工作者的崛起,则是世纪末中国社会科学界最好的消息,预示着社会科学在新世纪大发展的勃勃生机。中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席李瑞环发来贺电,中共中央政治局委员、国务委员李铁映发来贺信。 此次评奖的宗旨是为了促进中国跨世纪社会科学队伍的建设,使之努力献身于建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大实践。中国社会科学院、共青团中央在1997年共同发起举办了第二届全国青年优秀社会科学成果奖评选活动。同时,为了奖励全国最高水平的青年优秀社会科学成果,在第二届全国青年优秀社会科学成果奖的基础上,优中选优,又评选出了首届胡绳青年学术奖。 The first Hu rope Youth Academic Award and the Second National Youth Social Science Award Presentation Ceremony was held in Beijing recently. Experts believe that the award-winning outstanding achievements in social science show a high academic level and strong social application value, and the rise of a large number of outstanding young social scientists is the best news of the Chinese social science circles at the end of the century, which indicates that society The great vitality of science in the new century. Li Ruihuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC, sent a congratulatory message to Li Tieying, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the State Council. The purpose of this award is to promote the building of cross-century social science teams in China so that they will dedicate their efforts to the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Communist Youth League Central Committee jointly sponsored and held the second National Youth Outstanding Social Science Achievement Award in 1997. At the same time, in order to reward the highest level of youth outstanding social science achievements in the country, based on the Second National Youth Outstanding Social Science Achievement Award, we selected the best and the best, and selected the first Huzhou Youth Academic Award.
美国陆军工程师团为了将加利福尼亚州特尔米乌斯 (Terminus)坝的溢洪道加高 6.4m研究了各种比较方案。阐述在经过一段详细研究后 ,基于其运行可靠性和经济性而选定保险闸门系
为马其顿一个改造项目编制投标文件 ,需要经验、了解情况和规划。 Preparation of tender documents for a reconstruction project in Macedonia requires experience, und
1998年 11月 6日,河北省政府办公厅以“冀政办 (1998)11号”文件,给设区市政府和省政府各部门发出《关于印发〈河北省 1998年~ 2000年节水灌溉三年发展规划〉的通知》。《通知》
砌体与生物组合护坡是把砌筑工程和生物工程有机结合,取长补短,联合作用,达到护坡目的。引滦入还输水渠道经过5年的实践获得成功,为土渠护坡探索出一条投资小,见效快的新途径。 M